Volunteer Crew
Get Onboard
If you have time to volunteer, The Unity Alliance (C.S.ONE, The Lightship Unity, CyberCOM, and the CyberWaves Broadcasting Network) is currently in need of:
Please contact us from the link on the Interface (below the Station) if you're interested in earning your VIP status as a member of our Volunteer Crew. Benefits include your C.S.ONE Passport, private virtual quarters onboard the Station (Deck 1 - Level 2), access to our monthly gift archive, and an Avatar!

Scouts: Search for videos, resources, and other contect to include on C.S.ONE.
Emissaries of the LightWeavers Coalition
Unity Alliance Ambassadors: Network and spread the word on social media.
Video Show Hosts
Note: Students will receive a letter of reference for employers.