You may have visited websites or chat rooms where users can create or upload their own characters - or avatars - to represent themselves. However, the definition of  "avatar" is:
In that light, on C.S.ONE avatars are just that - AVATARS! Offerings include: angels; fairies; animal medicine guides; ETs; representatives from different time periods and cultures (an Egyptian Princess, for example, for those who feel a connection to their past lives) - even a few yogis and gurus. Some Avatars may be service specific, offering protection, or attracting prosperity or romance.
An Avatar can only be seen by its user, who chooses where it will appear and what it will say. Avatars include speech bubbles, with messages such as, “Know you are truly loved.”, or “Stay positive!”, or “You’re such a goddess!" C.S.ONE's Avatars are intended to become friendly companions providing encouragement, support, and inspiration.
> An embodiment, as of a quality or concept.
> An archetype.
> The incarnation of a divine being.
> The deliberate descent into lower realms of existence for special purposes.
Avatars can be attained by using Station Tokens, which are earned by attending our free, live, virtual events (participants can dial-in toll free or connect online). Or, Avatars can we won by visiting the Station and logging in your visits from our deck menus. Those who secure their C.S.ONE Passports, as well as our VIPs, are gifted Avatars. So join in on the fun and include these animated multi-dimensional beings in YOUR onboard experience!